I was recently invited to join The Lounge ad network run by James Avery over at Infozerk. (Enough links for you in that sentence?) I was making a little bit of money (enough to cover hosting costs) with my previous ad network, but I had those two huuuuuuuuuuge rectangle ads over on the side in order to pull this off. Well, I will hopefully have similar ad revenue while freeing up lots of room on the side for some better sidebar content. I have been wanting to put up a “most popular” section over there! And I have a few other ideas, but we will see what ends up over there.
I have also been thinking of doing an overhaul on my blog. I am not very good with web design but I can lay things out with html/css if I really try. So, I was thinking about finding someone to design me a nice blog theme. I want something custom and I don’t even really know what I want my design to look like. I’d have to do some research to find out exactly what I want.
I want to pay a professional (or semi-professional) to do the design (I would never expect anyone to work for free, I know I don’t!) but I don’t know who to contact. When it comes to these things, I want a personal recommendation. So, if you know someone who does good design work, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail!
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Hey Justin, still looking? If so, please get in touch.
(if you are disgusted by my blog design, keep in mind it was highly experimental)
Sorry man, I have already found someone that I am working with. Hopefully the new blog design will launch in the next month or so.
Right on, I’ll look forward to seeing it.
Best regards…