Update: The date has been moved to the 19th so it will not conflict with the SQL Server Users group meeting that was occuring on the 27th.
I keep hearing about Geek Dinners that people are having in other cities and so I thought that someone should try and organize a geek dinner in Richmond. I started searching around to see if anyone had already tried to organize one, but I couldn’t find anything. So, I decided that person should be me. 🙂 So, if anyone out there is in Richmond VA and is interested in doing a geek dinner, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail. I am going to throw out a tentative date of February 19th at 7:00 pm. (I wanted to set a date far enough in the future to give us time to get a few people interested, I don’t want to be having a drink with myself) I’ll also set a tentative location at the Capital Ale House in Innsbrook. I’m going to send an e-mail out to a few people to see if I can drum up some support. Hopefully we can get this ball rolling.
I’ve put a page up to sign up for this event: Richmond VA Geek Dinner
When: February 19th at 7:00pm
Where: Capital Ale House Innsbrook (Good food, good drinks)
Loved the article? Hated it? Didn’t even read it?
We’d love to hear from you.
Hey, I’d be down with that. I work in Innsbrook. Keep me posted.
Awesome, make sure you sign up on the event page that I put in the post.
Sounds like fine. Count me in.
@Marcus: Awesome, see you there.
I’d be interested in coming. Count me in!
Cool, look forward to meeting you.
Not sure yet, but I’ll try and make it as well.
I will be attending. Thanks for setting this up.
@Paul – hope you can make it
@Ron – see you there. You working over at Payerpath? I noticed the e-mail address. I used to work over there.
I will be attending the dinner.
Sounds good. It looks like we have about 13 coming with 3 "maybes".
Geeks? Alcohol? I am so there.
Exxxxxxxcellent. (In my best Monty Burns impression)
Great. I will definitely try to make it and meet some fellow Richmond Developers.
I’ll try to make it.
Will there be any non alcoholic beverages, vegetarian food, and single, beautiful geek women in their mid 50s?
Sure, they serve non-alcoholic beverages. They don’t have a lot of vegetarian food though, but I’m sure there is something. And sorry, but I can’t help with the geek women in their 50s. 🙂
I’m interested to join, if it is not too late
Nope, it isn’t too late. See you there.
I’m really interested if it is not to late to join.,
@Pinay We are now called the Richmond Software Craftsmanship Group.
We meet monthly, feel free to join!
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