complexity, product design, software design Where Does Complexity Go? Tesler's Law & Conceptual Compression Al Tenhundfeld / @alric / February 19, 2021April 9, 2021
productivity, rails, software development Day 1 with a Large Rails Codebase Jeff Mueller / February 12, 2021February 12, 2021
javascript, web development Fake it till you make it Prototyping with Vue and json-server Eric Duvon / January 29, 2021April 9, 2021
community, team, thoughts The Value of Cohesive Teams Brian Bassett / @brian_bassett / January 15, 2021January 14, 2021
design, product design, ux Jetways and Gangplanks A Guide to User Onboarding Derek Heilmann / January 8, 2021January 11, 2021
community, thoughts Farewell 2020, here’s to 2021 Justin Etheredge / @JustinEtheredge / January 1, 2021
books, learning Favorite Books of 2020 Books read, not necessarily published, in 2020 Al Tenhundfeld / @alric / December 24, 2020December 24, 2020
aws, cloud, postgres Don’t Panic! A Quick Look at AWS Babelfish Justin Etheredge / @JustinEtheredge / December 17, 2020December 17, 2020