I blogged heavily on my personal blog, CodeThinked, between 2007 and 2012. Since starting the blog in 2007 it has been viewed more than 2 million times and has been visited by more than 1.5 million people! (At least according to Google.) I am truly humbled thinking of how many people have read the words I have written and hopefully have been helped by them. Or, at the very least, have been entertained.
I founded Simple Thread (formerly Ecstatic Labs) in 2010. Shortly thereafter, my wife and I had our son Eli in 2011. The intervening years have been a wild ride, and so ridiculously busy, but I wouldn’t change a thing! Unfortunately, it lead to a sharp decline in the frequency of my posts, but the existing content on the blog continued to flourish, with over half of the 2 million views my blog has received occurring in the years that I did very little writing.
My blog and Simple Thread have stayed mostly separate, but as a team we have decided that blogging is something we need to spend more time doing. We want to do our part to share information and expertise and spark discussion and more sharing. In order to allow CodeThinked to live on, we have moved all of the posts here to the Simple Thread blog, where we will continue to post new content.
We hope that going forward we will create content that you’ll find useful and insightful.
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