If you follow Jeff Atwood’s blog, then you probably already have seen his post about how his awesome Christmas turned into a tragedy all because Lenovo has decided that they want screw him over with insanely priced hard drives and hard drive trays that they won’t sell to their customers. I mean honestly, this is exactly the kind of horrible business practices that company’s get skewered over. What made me laugh though was that only a few short hours after he put up the post, I searched for “Lenovo server drive tray” on Google and got this back:
It seems that these days when you decide to screw over a customer like that, you might want to google them beforehand. You never know who might be buying your products and what kind of audience they might have. Oh, and Merry Christmas!
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Good advice! But I hope I won’t have to use it ;-)!
haha, this is great. I can only imagine what Lenovo pays for SEO and Jeff can top them in hours with one post.
@John Yeah exactly, that is the power of the intertubes. 🙂
I did the same a week ago when my monitor went bad and I had to wait for a month to get the logic board replaced.
Considering the way they were handling my request, I warned them that I would write ‘terribly bad’ reviews all over the internet if they didn’t look into the issue. And bingo! it worked. Two days later I see a brand new monitor staring right at me. Guess it worked.