I’m packing up and getting ready to leave for Seattle, WA. I’ll be attending the ALT.NET Seattle Conference and then after that I’ll be attending the MVP summit. I’m really excited because I have yet to visit Seattle (I’ll have my camera in tow) and I’ll get to see tons of my dev community friends again (or for the first time!).
If you are heading up there yourself, be sure to drop me a comment on this blog (I’ll get it in my e-mail) or send me a tweet. You can find the link on my blog, but my Twitter name is JustinEtheredge. My pic is also on the side of my blog (for those reading in RSS), so if you want to find me and yell at me for something I wrote you’ll be able to find me!
Look forward to seeing everyone there!
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have fun. wish I was able to make it.