I have been meaning to get a second blog post up here, and in fact I have one already written up on some rarely used SQL predicates but I was having a small problem with the syntax highlighting plug-in that I found for Windows Live Writer. It likes to inject a bunch of formatting and inline styles directly into the html which, despite the fact that I am an asp.net developer, I absolutely hate that. 🙂 So I was looking around and I found a few other options for syntax highlighting in the .net space that are interesting, but nothing that was really flexible enough. So, I decided to go ahead and start a syntax highlighting project of my own which I am working on now. I will try and blog about this library, it will be called HighLit. (There is nothing there on codeplex now, but there will be soon)
It is going to be config file driven and very flexible about how it will match and be able to apply styles. Plus it is going to hopefully be very clean markup (hopefully). I am also planning on releasing a Windows Live Writer plugin for it once I am done with it.
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