We are going to hold our third “Meet and Code” dinner (“Geek Dinner” if you will) on Thursday May 29th. SnagAJob.com is generously providing us with a meeting space. They are located at 4880 Cox Road, Suite 200 Glen Allen, VA 23060, which is in Innsbrook on Cox road just after you cross over Nuckols road.
The “Meet and Code” dinners are an open forum for developers to come and discuss anything any everything they want. You can give a mini-presentation if you want, or you could bring a problem that you have from work for other developers to take a look at. There will also be some food provided, some come hungry!
We have applied for an account on Microsoft’s Click To Attend site, so we will add a signup link soon!
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We’d love to hear from you.
Not using Upcoming.Yahoo.com to set these up anymore, Justin? For this next one, do you have a theme? I’d like to do that debugging thing we talked about. Just go around the room and show various debugging techniques with an open discussion about the importance of traditional debugging as part of one’s testing strategy. Some thinks it’s important (me) and others think it’s a waste of time. I’d like to hear the opinions of those who attend.
No, the yahoo stuff requires a yahoo login and it creates too much hassle. If people sign up for the .net user groups then they should already have a windows live id, so the Microsoft site would be easier.
As far as the theme concept…I think it is a great idea, as long as we can get enough people to know about the theme and present something. How do you propose that we do the actual "presenting"? Are we going to swap people on and off a projector?
I can probably come up with a few debugging tips/tricks to show off.