The May Meet and Code dinner at SnagAJob.com was a great success! We had about a dozen people there, and the theme was debugging. We talked about using adplus and WinDbg to debug IIS crashes. We also looked at debugging visualizers, and how to make them. We looked at the expression tree visualizer that ships in the VS2008 samples. That led into a good talk about expression trees, which led to anonymous types, linq, etc… It was great! That is exactly what I was hoping to get out of meetings like this! I want people to come and talk about things and let the discussion lead us. If people want to talk about one thing, then we can talk about it.
Does anyone have any ideas for a topic for next month? I had thought that we could continue our discussion of expression trees and linq. Anyone have any other ideas? I hope that everyone enjoyed tonights meeting and I hope you all come again!
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Justin, I enjoyed the meeting too. Here are some topics I’d like to discuss in the future. 1) Harnessing the full power of NUnit, 2) Debugging stored procedures, 3) Getting Started with WCF. On the other hand, there’s such a wide background of participants. Maybe the themes should be much more generic, so as to appeal to the full spectrum from Unix to C#. Maybe topics like 1)Writing self documenting code might be better.
Those do sound like good topics, and I certainly would like to touch on a few of them. I think talking about testing and different unit testing approaches would be cool. I would also be interested in the WCF stuff, as I have not had much of a chance to work with that myself. I’d also like to get some more group participation. I don’t want it to turn into "Justin gives a presentation night"! Although I would enjoy that, I’m not sure that the group would get a lot out of it. 🙂