After a long evening of merging my new design (created by Aaron Kuzemchak) I have finally finished the merge. I had received numerous complaints about the old design and so I hope that this new design will fix all of those issues. Issue number one being that the text didn’t scale properly and that the font was really small. So far, only the main pages have been merged and so there are numerous minor pages that are probably still going to look a little funky. These will hopefully be touched up in the next few weeks. I have some stuff coming up and I wanted to make sure that this design was put up while I still had some time.
I want to get some feedback on the design, so please be honest but not rude if you have issues with it. Also, let me know if you see anything that is completely broken. Thanks, and hopefully this update will make my site more useable for some people.
Oh, and in case anyone is wondering, yes I did drop support for IE6. I told Aaron to drop it, so if the site renders okay, it is completely by accident (or because Aaron is really good at css).
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The new design looks fine to me on IE8 B2.
I really like your new skin. Maybe the list of tags is a bit lengthy: I know tag clouds are sometimes abused, but, maybe, it would help when the contents are just tags 🙂
Looks good to me. I peeked with Opera, IE7, Safara/Win, FF3, and Chrome. All rendered fine. I especially like the gradient background.