This Thursday at 6:00pm ’til whenever is the July Meet and Code dinner. It is going to be held at SnagAJob.com’s headquarters in Innsbrook. The address is 4880 Cox Road, Suite 200 Glen Allen, VA 23060. Below is the e-mail that will be sent out to the Richmond .net users group, hope to see you there!
This is going to be a good one! We will be discussing dynamic languages and we will be focusing on Ruby and Python. I will try to be presenting a little something about IronRuby and basic Ruby syntax. (IronRuby is Microsofts Ruby implementation that they are working on, in case you don’t know)
Harper Trow has said he is going to prepare a few tidbits to show, and he has hooked us up with a friend (Mel Riffe) who does a lot of work with the local Ruby dev community. Mel is going to come to help lead our discussion about Ruby and be able to interject wisdom from someone who works with it on a daily basis.
Also, the newly minted C# MVP Kevin Hazzard will be there, and he is going to be eschewing his C#-ness to show us a bit about his favorite dynamic language, Python. He will do this by way of the IronPython project. I’m really looking forward to this one.
All in all it looks like it is going to be a full night! Social time starts at 6 and the presentations start when they start. It all depends on how good the conversation is. The meeting officially ends at 8, but no one is going to kick us out. Come when you want and leave when you want.
Also, there will be food of some sort provided. Nothing too fancy, but who will notice with all of the dynamicness flying around?
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