RVA JavaScript Conference 2017 is coming up on Friday November 3rd 2017! https://www.rvajavascript.com/
In my pre-children days I used to attend a lot of conferences. I loved traveling across the country and attending conferences, it is such a great way to meet new people and learn a lot in a very short period of time. But times have changed for me, and it is much harder to travel these days. I was lamenting this fact with Al a while ago, and on the spot we decided that Richmond needed a JavaScript developer conference!
Al and I wanted it to be a community effort, so we reached out to a few other people in the community (Gaelen Kash organizer of the RVA.js meetup, Trish Mahan from Maxx Potential, and A’braham Barakhyahu), and soon after RVA JavaScript Conf was born! We wanted to provide a place that developers in and around Richmond could come together and not just learn about JavaScript, but also to build relationships and bring the Richmond developer community closer together. We have a ton of talent in Richmond, and we can do great things if we put it all under a single roof!
Our small group of organizers has been working hard over the last few months to pull together a great group of talks from speakers all over the country! You can check it out here: https://www.rvajavascript.com/schedule
We have talks on GraphQL, Node.js, Angular, WebAssembly, serverless, service workers, accessibility, and more! We hope to see you there!
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